Weapon systems Dutch built Sigma corvettes for Indonesia

Weapon systems Dutch built Sigma corvettes for Indonesia
Name and type Company Use
Tacticos CMS Command system Thales Netherlands  
Link Y tactical datalink Thales Netherlands  
MW-08 Surveillance radar Thales Netherlands  
LIROD Mk 2 fire-control director Thales Netherlands  
Sonar system Thales Underwater systems  
Internal/external communications system Thales Communications  
2 triple torpedo launchers**    
2 Tetral quadruple Mistral surface-to-air missiles launchers MBDA***  
4 MM 40 Block 2 Exocet surface-to-surface missiles MBDA  
76 mm gun Oto Melara, Italy The gun, due to its size and weight, can be installed on any class of vessels, and it offers its best performances in anti-aircraft, anti-missile and surface actions, so resulting in unique multi-role capacity. http://www.otobreda.it/products/products.asp?id=prod_naval_medium
2 15A or 15B 20 mm guns GIAT, France They represent ideal weapons for interception missions and self-defence, notably for small craft. Their very simple and user-friendly manning ensure easy drill.
* Based on artist impression made available by the shipbuilder
** Based on discussion in Dutch parliament February 11, 2004
*** MBDA is een joint venture van het Britse BAES 37,5%, EADS 37,5% en het Italiaanse Finmeccanica, 25%.
Source: International Defence Review April, 2004, page 45