Partners in Crime: EU complicity in Israel’s genocide in Gaza

The EU and Israel have adopted a ‘business as usual’ attitude throughout the ongoing genocide in Gaza, with the EU, and its member states, continuing to provide political cover and material support. The new briefing ‘Partners in Crime: EU complicity in Israel’s genocide in Gaza‘ by the Transnational Institute (TNI) shows the history and current aspects of Europe’s role in supporting Israel’s war, occupation and apartheid policies, including a detailed timeline of events since 7 October 2023. Stop Wapenhandel contributed a chapter on arms trade and military cooperation between the EU, its member states and Israel, which shows that there is an extensive programme of arms and dual-use exports to Israel, arms imports from and cooperation with Israeli arms companies, and military and security cooperation with Israel, including in high-profile EU-funded security research. This infrastructure legitimises, supports, strengthens and expands Israel’s military-industrial complex and its military and security capabilities and capacities. Cooperation has intensified in recent years, despite Israel’s increasing grip on Palestine, intensified under its current government.